Council Meetings
Saturday 31 August, 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday 1 September, 09:00 – 12:30
(simultaneous translation for official delegates)
Official representatives from FIP member organisations and observer organisations will be admitted to the council meetings (one delegate per organisation). Each representative will be asked to submit written proof, that he or she has been officially appointed to represent his or her organisation.
The council meetings will also be attended by the FIP Bureau members and FIP section representatives. FIP individual members are welcome to attend most of the council meetings, but only as a silent audience. They may be asked to show their FIP membership card at the entrance of the room.
Opening Ceremony
Sunday 1 September, 15:00 – 17:00
Auditorium and Ballroom East
14:30 Doors open
14:45 Everyone seated
15:00 Start Official Ceremony
17:00 End Official Ceremony and start Welcome Reception
The Opening Ceremony, taking place in the Auditorium, is open to all registered participants, their accompanying persons and exhibitors.
Please note that due to the high number of registrations, you may need to follow the opening ceremony in Ballroom East, where it will be live-streamed.
Poster Sessions
Monday 2 September to Wednesday 4 September
Depending on the number of abstracts submitted, posters may be on display for one or more days. Presenters will be informed about this after the abstract review period. The poster area is open to all registered participants and their registered accompanying persons.