PSTU-08 - Adapting pharmacy practice: Navigating patient behaviour and AI use

Organised by The FIP Community Pharmacy Section in collaboration with the FIP Health and Medicines Information Section and the FIP Technology Advisory Group


Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin, ExCo member FIP Community Pharmacy Section, Australia


This session delves into the dynamic intersection of patient behaviour and the integration of AI in pharmacy practice. As patient behaviour evolves with online health information seeking there is a need to understand how this will impact face-to-face and virtual interactions with pharmacists. As pharmacists play a pivotal role in health care, understanding how these factors shape patient interactions and healthcare decisions is crucial. This session aims to explore insights, strategies and practical approaches for pharmacists to adapt their practice to the evolving landscape of patient behaviour and AI integration. 



14:30 – 14:35 Introduction by the chair
14:35 – 14:55 Patient behaviour trends and use of AI: Implications for pharmacy practice
Ms Kristine Sørensen, Global Health Literacy Academy, Denmark
14:55 – 15:15 AI integration in pharmacy: Enhancing patient-centric care
Mr Philippe Gerwill, Switzerland
15:15 – 15:25 Panel discussion  
15:25 – 15:30 Closing

Learning objectives

  • To understand the current trends in patients’ face-to-face and health seeking behaviour with AI, and their impact on pharmacy practice.
  • To explore practical applications of AI in pharmacy and its role in enhancing patient-centric care.
  • To gain insights into strategies for pharmacists to adapt their practice in response to evolving patient behaviour and AI integration


  • It is important to align pharmacy practice with evolving patient behaviour and AI for patient-centric care. 
  • AI has the potential to enhance and streamline pharmacy services.
  • Adaptable strategies to effectively integrate patient behaviour insights and AI technologies should be implemented in daily pharmacy practice.