PSTU-02 - Elevating pharmacy practice: Building foundations for quality prescribing

Ballroom East
Organised by The FIP Community Pharmacy Section in colloboration with the FIP Academic Pharmacy Section, the FIP Community Pharmacy Section\, the FIP Special Interest Group FIP SIG Personalised and Precision Medicine, the FIP Technology Advisory Group and FIP Education


Prof. Tracey Thornley, ExCo member of the FIP Community Pharmacy Section, UK and Prof. Leticia Caligaris, ExCo member FIP Community Pharmacy Section, Uruguay


As the scope of pharmacists in many jurisdictions is rapidly evolving into prescribing, this session is designed to explore the foundational aspects of quality prescribing within the realm of pharmacy practice. Recognising the pivotal role pharmacists play in health care, the session aims to delve into the fundamental elements (education, patient interaction, integration into primary health care and collaboration with general practitioners) that contribute to quality prescribing and discuss how pharmacists can actively engage in and enhance these fundamental elements.



11:00 – 11:05

Introduction by the chairs

11:05 – 11:25 Primary health care integration and quality prescribing
Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin, ExCo member of the FIP Community Pharmacy Section, Australia
11:25 – 11:45 Education and research for quality prescribing: Outlining key foundational principles and their application
Prof. Claire Anderson, University of Nottingham, UK

11:45 – 12:05

Technology and quality prescribing: Innovations in pharmacy practice 
Mr Nana Kofi Quakyi, The Aurum Institute, Ghana

12:05 – 12:25 Panel discussion 
12:25 – 12:30 Closing

Learning objectives

  • To understand the foundational principles that contribute to quality prescribing in pharmacy practice.
  • To explore innovative technological solutions that enhance prescribing processes.
  • To discuss the evolving role of pharmacists in prescribing for minor ailments and scope extension in ensuring and improving the quality of prescribing.
  • To outline practical strategies for pharmacists when encountering low-quality prescriptions from prescribers, including effective communication techniques.
  • To empower pharmacists with knowledge and strategies that elevate their practice, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and transforming healthcare. 


  • Foundational principles in prescribing should be prioritised to uphold quality standards in pharmacy practice. 
  • Technological innovations must be integrated to streamline and enhance prescribing processes.
  • The expanding role of pharmacists as key contributors to quality prescribing and improved patient outcomes should be recognised.