EMMO-01 - Early morning symposium: Experiences and practical tools for supporting the role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of long-term conditions

Ballroom West
Organised by by FIP and supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca


Dr Catherine Duggan, FIP Chief Executive Officer, The Netherlands


This session will address how pharmacists can support individuals with risk factors to prevent or delay the onset of long-term conditions, or to prevent exacerbations or the aggravation of the disease. This can be facilitated by the use of toolkits and practical assets to support the implementation of pharmacist interventions and services. A set of new toolkits will be briefly presented at this session, and two professional organisations from Malaysia and Portugal will describe how they can be integrated in pharmacy practice. The session will also capture suggestions from the audience on the tools and methods that can best support the role of pharmacists in the management of NCDs.


08:00 – 08:10 The global burden of NCDs and the need to involve pharmacists in their prevention and management: Overview of FIP’s resources and advocacy on NCDs
Dr Catherine Duggan, FIP Chief Executive Officer, The Netherlands
08:10 – 08:30 Using practical toolkits for the management of COPD, chronic kidney disease or heart failure

  • Insights from Portugal
    Mr António Teixeira Rodrigues, National Association of Pharmacies, Portugal
  • Insights from Malaysia.
    Mr Jack Shen Lim, Malaysian Pharmacists Society, Malaysia
08:30 – 08:42

We’re listening: What resources do you need to support practice transformation in NCDs in your country?
Interactive Q&A with the audience

8:42 – 08:45 Closing

Learning objectives

  • This session will address how pharmacists can support individuals To raise awareness of the global burden of NCDs and highlight FIP’s efforts to support the role of pharmacists in this area.
  • To learn about the experiences and planned interventions by pharmacists in Malaysia and Portugal for the prevention and management of long-term NCDs, namely in the areas of chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure.
  • To reflect critically on the type of resources that would be most helpful in facilitating the implementation of professional interventions by pharmacists in the area of NCDs.
    with risk factors to prevent or delay the onset of long-term conditions, or to prevent exacerbations or the aggravation of the disease. This can be facilitated using toolkits and practical assets to support the implementation of pharmacist interventions and services. A set of new toolkits will be briefly presented and two professional organisations from Malaysia and Portugal will describe how they can be integrated into pharmacy practice. The session will also capture suggestions from the audience on the tools and methods that can best support the role of pharmacists in managing NCDs.

Take home messages

  • The global burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) requires an interdisciplinary approach to their prevention and management.
  • Pharmacists are uniquely placed to support individuals with risk factors, helping to prevent or delay the onset of long-term conditions and to avoid exacerbations or aggravation of the disease.
  • The use of toolkits and practical assets can greatly facilitate the implementation of effective interventions for NCD prevention, management and treatment optimisation.