Mr Paul Sinclair, FIP President and Dr Catherine Duggan, FIP CEOIntroduction
Through its HumanityRx programme, FIP aims to support pharmacists and pharmacy teams in humanitarian crises. The “Medicines To” campaign is a project done in partnership with FIP member organisations as part of FIP’s efforts to facilitate access to medicines to war-affected communities, including those in Ukraine and, more recently, Gaza. Working together with Pharmacists without Borders (PwB), FIP is supporting the interchange of good practices related to fundraising and awareness of the needs for specific disaster and emergency situations.
This session aims to raise awareness on the “Medicines To” campaigns and will be conducted in two parts. The first part will celebrate the one-year mark of the launch of the Medicines to Africa campaign, while acknowledging the contributions of colleagues in the region to create a framework of preparedness for action. The second part will focus on the Medicines to Gaza campaign and the signing of a memorandum of understanding between charity organisations, the Jordan Pharmacists Association (JPA), PwB and FIP, giving room for this initiative to grow and expand over time.
17:30 – 17:35 | Introduction by the chair Mr Paul Sinclair, FIP President |
17:35 – 17:40 | ‘”Medicines to” campaign Mr Mark Koziol, Chairman, Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA) |
17:40 – 17:50 | Signing of the Medicines to Africa campaign Dr Sham Moodley, Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA) |
17:50 – 18:00 | Medicines to Gaza campaign Dr Salah Shubair, Jordan Pharmacists’ Association |
18:00 | Closing remarks by the chair |