LSTU-03 - Lunch break symposium: Panel discussion: Mobilization of the vaccination experience in pharmacy (supported by Pfizer)

Meeting room 2.60
Organised by Pfizer


Dr Shelita Dattani, Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Affairs and Strategic Engagement, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada. Speaker Consultant and Key Opinion Leader- Public Health, Primary Care, Immunization, Chronic Disease, Canada


A panel of pharmacy leaders with vaccination experience from the United States, Canada, Portugal, and South Africa will discuss strategies for mobilizing pharmacy vaccination services. They will discuss how they have increased vaccination awareness and helped build vaccine confidence, identified patients for vaccination, and integrated vaccination services into their daily practice.



  • Dr. Shelita Dattani, Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Affairs and Strategic Engagement, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada.
    Speaker Consultant and Key Opinion Leader- Public Health, Primary Care, Immunization, Chronic Disease, Canada
  • Paulo Cleto Duarte, Pharmacist, MBA, AMP, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Specialist, Co-CEO Shee Pharmacies, Past President and CEO of ANF (National Association of Pharmacies, Portugal) 2013-2021, Portugal
  • Dr Chad Kodiak, RPh, PharmD, CEO & President, KODOCARE Pharmacy, Affiliate Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Purdue University, USA
  • Dr Sham Moodley, Community Pharmacist and Honorary Research Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
13:00 – 13:05

Panel introduction

13:05 – 13:15 Increasing consumer awareness and building vaccine confidence
13:15 – 13:25 Integrating vaccination into pharmacy practice
13:25 – 13:35 Identification of eligible patients for vaccination
13:35 – 13:45 Operationalization of pharmacy administration
13:45 – 13:55 Q&A session
13:55 – 14:00 Closing remarks by the chair

Learning objectives

  • Share learnings and best practices on mobilizing pharmacy vaccination services.
  • Highlight initiatives community pharmacists have adopted to proactively increase consumer awareness of vaccination, identify and educate at-risk patients, make vaccine recommendations, and administer/prescribe vaccines as part of their vaccination service.
  • Reflect on approaches to overcome key operational challenges to practically delivering year-round, sustainable, pharmacy vaccination services, expanding beyond influenza and COVID-19 vaccination to provide a wider scope of adult vaccines for eligible patients. 

Take home messages

This symposium will underscore the burden of vaccine preventable respiratory diseases and highlight the critical role of pharmacists in delivering effective vaccination services to help meet the public health need. Pharmacists are playing an important role in helping to protect eligible adults against vaccine preventable respiratory infections. Pharmacists are well positioned to identify patients who would benefit from vaccinations, provide education, and vaccinate when able. A panel of pharmacy leaders with vaccination experience will share learnings on how they have implemented pharmacy vaccination services.